If you're looking for a fun and interactive way to teach your kids about money management, look no further than ATM piggy banks. These innovative piggy banks add a digital twist to the traditional savings tool, making saving money exciting and educational.

What are ATM Piggy Banks?

ATM piggy banks are essentially piggy banks that mimic the functionality of real ATMs. They have a slot for inserting money and a digital display that shows the balance. Kids can deposit money into the ATM, withdraw funds, and even set savings goals. Some ATM piggy banks also come with a PIN feature for added security.

Why Choose ATM Piggy Banks?

ATM piggy banks offer a unique and engaging way for kids to learn about money management. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting one:

  • Educational: ATM piggy banks teach kids about the concept of saving, budgeting, and setting financial goals. They learn how to count money, make deposits, and track their savings progress.
  • Interactive: With a digital display and various features, ATM piggy banks make saving money a fun and interactive experience. Kids can see their balance increase as they deposit money and set goals to work towards.
  • Real-world skills: Using an ATM piggy bank helps kids develop skills that are applicable in the real world. They learn about banking, handling money, and making financial decisions.
  • Encourages saving habits: ATM piggy banks promote a culture of saving in children. They learn the importance of saving for future needs and develop good saving habits from an early age.

Tips for Using ATM Piggy Banks

To make the most of your ATM piggy bank, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Set saving goals: Encourage your kids to set savings goals, whether it's for a new toy or a future purchase. This will motivate them to save more and track their progress.
  2. Teach financial literacy: Take the opportunity to teach your kids about financial concepts like interest, budgeting, and inflation. Use the ATM piggy bank as a practical tool to demonstrate these concepts.
  3. Allocate allowances: If you give your kids allowances, consider depositing the money directly into their ATM piggy bank. This reinforces the habit of saving and provides a convenient way to manage their money.
  4. Involve the whole family: Make saving a family activity by encouraging everyone to contribute to the ATM piggy bank. This shows the importance of saving as a team and allows kids to learn from their parents' financial behaviors.


ATM piggy banks are a fantastic tool for teaching kids about money management. They combine the fun of a piggy bank with the educational value of a digital savings tool. By using an ATM piggy bank, kids can learn essential financial skills, develop good saving habits, and gain a deeper understanding of money. Get an ATM piggy bank for your child today and watch their financial knowledge grow!

We welcome any questions or feedback you may have, so don't hesitate to get in touchwith our knowledgeable team.

August 04, 2023 — kingda