Toys and Sustainability

Sustainable toys are made of biodegradable natural materials such as renewable wood, cotton, bamboo, or wool and they are manufactured in a nonpolluting way without releasing carbon, greenhouse gases, or chemical toxins, which can be released into the waterways and the environment.

Our Mission

Building a more sustainable world is our goal. At KINGDA, we focus on safety standards in production and child development while also taking the environment and society into account to make the world a better place. By using green materials, we pave a sustainable path for our children, while also doing our part to protect our ecosystem and environment.

Renewable Resources

A key environmental benefit of KINGDA toys is the use of renewable plant resources as raw materials, which helps us to excel in environmental responsibility as we do not deplete the planet of anything that can grow again. In addition, KINGDA bio-plastic toys do not pollute the environment after disposal as they do not contain toxic substances from petrochemical products and heavy metals.

Shareable Toys

At KINGDA, we believe that we should try to reuse whatever we can. Our toys are made from durable, healthy, easy-to-clean materials that even gain a good shine over time. We hope them to be passed on to another child after completing the task of helping one child grow.